The Buzz on Hexagon !

On bees choosing the shape for their honey making; Charles Darwin was quoted as saying, “The hexagon…perfect for economizing labor and wax!” Create Wallcovering took nature’s word for it.

Hexagon’s faceted appeal – created through lenticular embossing – is a hit! Guided by the tenets of geometry, Hexagon’s deeply embossed, intersecting lines play with light sources resulting in a superb textural affect that will set you all “a-buzz!”

Hexagon’s geometric design creates a faceted appeal with lenticular embossing that plays with an interior’s shade and light. Its super textural affect is available in a 21-colour palette of individually pigmented SKUs that offer subtle pearlessence to more matte finishes. ORDER SAMPLES

Embracing science, Create Wallcovering offers the solution to product performance compromised by bacteria, mold, mildew & fungi. Read our blogs for more information!

Aqua-Clear Topcoat   |  Ultra-Fresh® Anti-Microbial Additive

Sustainable agriculture is a key component of our work in 21 countries around the world. When we work to save the bees, we are also saving the environment. After all, what is good for bees, is also good for the climate and the environment. Learn more!! 

Give The Gift of HoneyBees  

A Heifer honeybee gift donation includes a bee package, hive, box and training in beekeeping techniques. Healthy beehives can double fruit and vegetable yields of small farms. Visit Heifer

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