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Color therapy ( or chromotherapy) is based on the premise that different colors evoke different responses. Perhaps color and lighting can be useful healing tools in combating an array of ailments both physical and emotional. This concept dates back to ancient Egyptians who used sun-activated solarium rooms constructed with colored glass for therapeutic purposes.
Key Features include:
- Red: stimulates circulation and increases physical energy
- Orange: connects to enthusiasm and stimulates creativity
- Yellow: promotes happiness, the perfect antitode to winter blues
- Green: supports balance, harmony and love
- Blue: increases calmness, serenity and self-expression
- Indigo: connects to inner strength, calmness and intuition
- Violet: stimulates relaxation, meditation and artistic imagination
Colors that create an aesthetic feeling together are in harmony. Color theory has described “warm” colors to advance or appear more active in a painting, while cool colors tend to recede; used in interior design, warm colors are said to stimulate the viewer, while cool colors calm and relax.
The monochromatic formula chooses only one color. Variations of the color are created by changing the value and saturation of the color. Since only one hue is used, the color and its variations are guaranteed to work.
According to America’s Disability Community, the effects of color should be carefully considered when designing and constructing rooms for individuals who may be more sensitive to color due to heightened sensory responses and strong visual processing abilities. Medical institutions are also integrating color and art therapy. Pediatricians have begun seeing positive results in integrating color therapy applied to the design and decor around patients.
Kristen Holden
Color Theory is so fascinating to me. I love that our site allows for specifiers to search by color, simplifying the design process when a wall finish is needed!
Keith Hudgins
Great stuff! I’m going to bookmark this page.
Whitney Estep
I am obsessed with color healing & the psychology of color. This is a MUST READ!
Mandi Hogan
My interior design degree required a color theory class; I fell in love with how important it is in our daily lives! Great article!